Monday, April 6, 2009

More than Mundane

I always say that my room is a reflection of my soul.

When it's cluttered and dirty, most likely I am too preoccupied with lots of stuff. This happens usually when work consumes me. If there is something I am passionate about, like building this site on its first weeks, I find comfort in the mess. The room looks busy and in a whole disarray. This can also mean that I am troubled or struggling with some issue.

When I clean up and re-arrange this means I want to start fresh again. I have seasons of tidyness. I want everything in order and desire to have enough space to walk. During these times I value breathing spaces. Usually my mind is at peace when everything is in its proper place. When I re-arrange stuff, it means I am bored. I crave for something new in my life.

I welcome Holy Monday by fixing up my room. I go through the motions once again in the hope that today and throughout this lenten season I will be able to fix my life again. Pick myself up from instability, uncertainty and get back on the right track. Tidying up and re-arranging is a spiritual ritual to me. It's sacred.

What object, space or ritual reflects the state of your soul now?

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